The Samsung Galaxy A12 comes with a fully integrated design which enables it to fit in the palm of your hand. It is powered by a quad-core Samsung processor that supports the ARM processors and the x processors. The device is available with two SIM cards in different variants viz., blue and white. The screen size is 5.5in and it comes with a high definition widescreen display that offers excellent clarity.
Samsung Galaxy A12 has a unique all-metal body with an all-in-one multi-row keyboard. It has a sliding mechanism keyboard and a large easy to read sliding trackball along with dedicated volume buttons and an intuitive home key that helps you to easily access your dialed phone numbers, messaging applications and the like. Galaxy A12 It is provided with a high-end electronic document reader and microSD card that can be used for expanding the storage capacity of the device and transferring the data. With the people and things you love most, you will surely not like to miss this opportunity to take the Samsung Galaxy A12 with you wherever you go.